

来源:www.dbkyw.com   时间:2023-01-27 20:05   点击:59  编辑:admin   手机版




三、2003年以来,全球铁矿石的投资是大幅度加快的。尤其是2004年之后,铁矿石的暴利刺激了投资进一步增长,世界铁矿石三巨头都扩大了生产规模。从最近得到的信息看,淡水河谷、力拓、必和必拓仍然在扩大规模,并已经排出了扩大规模的计划,有的规划已经开始实施。比如,力拓未来5年将投入300亿美元,最终扩产目标达到6亿吨;必和必拓2015年的产能目标是3亿吨;淡水河谷未来5年将投资590亿美元开发铁矿石项目。而且,伊朗、印尼、菲律宾、俄罗斯等国家,也在不断地在出口铁矿石。未来两年铁矿开采业产量将增加 3.25亿吨,而需求量仅增加2.5亿吨。



At first meme

Sorry for not providing specific data, because I cannot find them on the internet.

1) The trend of steel price in the past three years

There is an important index to value steel in china, the Baoshan Steel Market Bargain Price Index. It’s made by Baoshan Steel Market Price Management CO. Referring to the classifying method of the CRU of the international steel price index, Baoshan Index includes flat sheet index, long product index and integrated index, in order to compare with foreign price.

The index is based on the actual dealing price of the daily market, from the sample companies and about sample products, and takes full account of the representation of the structure of the steel products development. The sample companies mainly consist of well-known steel companies, for example, the Shanghai Baoshan Steel CO., at the Yangtze River region.

Chart 1 the Baoshan Steel Market Bargain Price Index in to

Chart 2 the Baoshan Steel Market Bargain Price Index in to

Chart 3 the Baoshan Steel Market Bargain Price Index in to

What have to stress is that the numbers at the left side in each chart doesn’t represent the marketing price, but the trend. For example, in 2008, the peak value of cold rolling sheet metal was 7480RMB per ton, and then fell by 1380RMB per ton because of the financial crisis. And now the cold rolling sheet metal price is about 6500RMB per ton.

2) The predict of the price in 2009

It reports that the price ratio fell by 4.6% In the first season synchronally in 2008 and 2009. And what about the future? It’s hard to say. The steel industry has suffered hardship since the financial crisis, which made international steel market environment disrupted, as well as the home market, and diminished the demands of downstream industries, e.g. vehicle industry. Though the government takes measures, the future seems un-optimistic.

at last i love you。

